Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel Review

Ingredients, Use, and Benefits of Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel

This context will provide Ingredients, Use, and Benefits of Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel along with some basic information on shower gel.

Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel Review

What is shower gel-

In simple words, Shower gel is the liquid that can replace your bath soap generously. The shower gel is also known as “Body Wash” or “Shower Cream”. 

Difference between shower gel and shower cream-

Both are used during baths and showering. The difference is that shower gel is thicker in consistency and is gel-based. Body wash or shower cream is comparatively thinner and cream-based. Below you will find the details why and how shower gel can be a decent alternative of your regular bath soap.

Why shower gel is better than the regular bath soaps- 

Unlike soap bars, Shower gel has a lower pH level that won't let your skin over dry.  Shower gels include basic ingredients of soap. But the surfactants (surfactants are the compounds added to soaps, shower gels, detergents, etc to break/dissolve the oil and dirt present on an object) especially in shower gel are derived from plant-based or petroleum-based products, that have a lower pH level than the bath soap bars. It makes the shower gels mild on skin, keeps the skin hydrated. One with dry skin type must switch to shower gel or body wash avoiding soaps (not all soaps are harsh, but most of them do).

Benefits of Shower Gel:

  • It is recommended that separate soap bars should be used by every individual even within a family for bath and showering. More than one person using a single soap may spread infection. This can be avoidable with the use of shower gel. Every drop comes out from it, is fresh, pure, and untouched.
  • Easy to carry during travel and trips. Packaged shower gels are convenient to carry everywhere.
  • Shower gels always come with a non-leaking bottle that keeps surrounding tidy.
  • Generally, shower gels are soap-free and mild.
  • Herbal shower gels are with the added goodness of herbal extracts.
  • Shower gels don’t let your skin dry.
  • Shower gels are must-have for those who have sensitive skin.

Ingredients of Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel: 

Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel Ingredients
Ingredient List On Outer Cover

You can open the image in a new tab to get everything clearly visible. The image above showing the ingredient list that is labeled on the package of the shower gel. The leftmost column is in the Hindi language. Next to that are the scientific (botanical) names of the product content. And the rightmost column displays the quantity.
If you do not identify the ingredients that are mentioned in Hindi and scientific terms, just check below.

Each 10ml of the Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel contains the extracts of:
Honey = 50 mg
Almond Oil = 20 mg
Aloe Vera = 20 mg
Neem/ Indian Lilac = 5 mg
Basil = 5 mg
Green Tea = 5 mg
Saffron = 0.5 mg

Calculating the percentage of the herbal extracts in the whole content, I found it approximately 1%. As we know 1ml = 1000 mg and the total above mentioned herbal extracts sum up 105.5 mg present in 10,000 mg (10 ml) of shower gel. You might be thinking, it is too little to consider the herbal extracts. I also surprised when evaluated. But later I found, this is how the shower gels are to be made. Half of the content must be filled with the surfactant taking it as a base material, the rest 50% is for others like moisturizing agents, perfumes, things to be added for texture, color, and consistency, etc.

So now that we know which herbal extracts this shower gel has in it and how much. Now come to the base material. Basically, the base material is the content to which other ingredients are added. In Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel what we see the base material contains Caprylhydroxamic Acid and Glyceryl Caprylate with other known things. Quantity is not mentioned, so it is unknown.

I came to know from a few authentic sources is that Caprylhydroxamic Acid (a natural preservative) is the non-toxic, non-allergic plant-based amino acid obtained from coconut oil which is safe on skin. It acts as a preservative, gives its added content a prolonged shelf-life.

The second base material is Glyceryl Caprylate that is the emulsifier and surfactant enhancer, which is obtained from vegetable oil that helps in keeping the skin moisturized and hydrated.

So, both the above material is skin-friendly when diluted and derived from natural things.
Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel Ingredients
Ingredient List On Bottle 

I found the Ingredient list mentioned on the bottle of Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel is somehow different from the ingredient list mentioned on its cover box in terms of names in the "Base materials" section.  Let me tell you both must be the same but on the bottle, the ingredient list is elaborated. Myristic acid, Palmitic acid, Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, Sodium cocoamphoacetate (a natural foaming agent), Hydroxy cellulose can be derived from coconut oil, palm oil, milk or such natural sources. The only chemical substance present is in this shower gel is Potassium hydroxide that is generally used in making liquid soaps or shower gels.

Hence, if the question arises: “Is Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel a herbal product ?” The answer will be: “Yes it is. It seems the maximum amount of the content is formed natural extracts though the exact amount is not mentioned”.

Use of Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel:

Apply on wet skin surface taking a little amount of shower gel on a shower puff while having a bath, massage for a few seconds, and rinse. It smoothly and softly cleanses the skin surface. One should avoid applying shower gel on face, though it is not mentioned anywhere on the packaging. Although it is mild on body skin, it may not be mild on facial skin. For facial skin, face-wash cleansers are more suitable.

Benefits of Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel: 

Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel Review


Apart from all the positive aspects of Shower Gel, mentioned above in "Benefits of Shower Gel" section Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel has the below goodness as well.
  • It has all the greatness of natural products. In short, some important benefits from honey, almond oil, aloe vera, neem, basil, green tea, and saffron extract together provides anti-bacterial, skin lightening, moisturizing, UV rays-protecting, anti-aging properties.
  • It comes with a good non-leaking bottle. Its hook-like structure (to hang the bottle) makes it unique and attractive from others.
  • Transparent bottle lets you know the amount of gel left, giving you a clear idea when to get a new one.
  • Available at an exciting/ affordable/ reasonable price.
  • Thick consistency allows us to use a little amount only.
  • Lather up firmly while using. It definitely doesn't mean that the product is having chemicals. Because some mixture of natural extracts can also form enough foam.
  • Generally, soap results in squeaky clean and shower gel results in greasy clean after a bath. I found Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel's effect is an intermediate, that is neither squeaky nor greasy.
  • The herbal Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel revitalize, nourish, and soothes the skin well with its pure natural extracts from useful herbs. It can be experienced using the shower gel over a period of time.
  • It would be best if it mentions its pH value. So that we could know exactly how gentle the Patanjali Saundarya Shower Gel is !
  • Fragrance can be improved.

You may like other Herbal Shower Gels available in India.

Please comment below your suggestions and feedback. Please share your experience if you are already using the shower gel. Thank you.

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  1. I would really like to buy this product after reading this review


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