Patanjali Body Ubtan Review

Patanjali Body Ubtan Review

Topic Highlights:

1. What is ubtan

2. Ingredients of Patanjali Body Ubtan

3. Is Patanjali Body Ubtan suitable for all skin types

4. Is Patanjali Body Ubtan applicable on face

5. Who should use and avoid Patanjali Body Ubtan and why

6. When and how to use Patanjali Body Ubtan to get the maximum benefit

7. Can Patanjali Body Ubtan be used daily

8. The reason behind mixing rose water to ubtan

9. In case it doesn't suit what would be the simple and quick recipe ubtan

10. Pros and Cons of Patanjali Body Ubtan

What is ubtan:

Ubtan is a natural product that is made by adding two or more natural things together. It can be dry or wet. As it is pure herbal, it always has multiple benefits for the skin. It is an age-old recipe prepared and used by Indian mothers for centuries to take care of their children and their own as well. Ubtan is used to cleanse and care for the body and face skin naturally. An easy recipe ubtan can be found in every Indian home. Whether young children or adults, everyone can take care of their skin using such pure herbal ubtan.

Patanjali Body Ubtan Review

Ingredients of Patanjali Body Ubtan:

Patanjali Body Ubtan Ingredients

10 gram of Patanjali Body Ubtan contains the following things. English and Hindi names along with the quantity used.

Buchanania Lanzan - Chironji/Charoli (fruit) = 0.5g

Red Lentil - Masur dal (fruit) = 1.7g

Black Lentil - Urad dal (fruit) = 1.7g

Barley - Jau (seed) = 1.8g

Mustard seeds - Peeli sarson (seed) = 1.0g

Soybean - Soya bean (seed) = 1.0g

Rice - Chaval (seed) = 1.0g

Almond - Badam (fruit) = 1.0g

Turmeric - Haldi (root) = 0.2g

Camphor - Kapoor (leaf) = 0.1g

Ingredients illustrate that it is a 100% herbal product combination of various skin-beneficial things.

Is Patanjali Body Ubtan suitable for all skin types:

Well, the ingredient list of Patanjali Ubtan shows a good range of skin-caring herbal things in it. Still, it may not be ideal for all skin types. Many people find it developing a burning/pinching sensation while applied. Looking at the ingredients I feel the active ingredients turmeric and camphor may be the reason for such a burning sensation. 

Though turmeric has many health benefits on skin and body when used both externally and internally, it may not be skin-friendly for all. People having sensitive skin that develops redness, burning sensation, and skin darkening while wet turmeric paste is applied on the skin during bath. Like turmeric, camphor is also not suitable on all skin.

Is Patanjali Body Ubtan applicable on the face:

I don't think so. The name “Body Ubtan” may (not sure) suggest being applied to body skin only. Only the manufacturer can confirm it. But what I found, I don't have sensitive skin, still, while I applied this ubtan on my face, I experienced a mild burning sensation. It may be severe for those who have sensitive skin.

If experienced so, please avoid using Patanjali Body Ubtan on the face. If your body skin also reacts to this ubtan, then stop using on body skin also. As I told turmeric and camphor are not ideal for all skins. One can make a simple ubtan at home as well, I explained it later in this content.

Changes noticed after a year : It's important to let my readers know that I am sharing my experience after around a year, the new Patanjali Ubtan packs I bought, the powder is not irritating on facial skin with the same ingredients. It is truly a good news for me. Because the only demerit I found in Patanjali Ubtan was it creates slightly pinching or burning sensation on facial skin if applied. Still sensitive skin people can only tell if they feel all right on face even. For me it's totally fantastic now. 

Who should use and who should avoid Patanjali body ubtan and why:

Simple. Try it once. If it suits your skin, definitely go for it. Because Patanjali Ubtan has many useful ingredients to care for your skin.  If it does not suit, stop using it. If you know your skin is sensitive or you have a reactive skin to turmeric, better don't try Patanjali Body Ubtan. 

When and how to use Patanjali ubtan to get maximum benefit:

According to the company's instruction, add water as required to 20-30 gm of ubtan. Apply on the skin during bath. Then rinse off with water.

But for better results add rose water instead of normal tap water. Take 2 tablespoons of ubtan in a bowl and add 3 tablespoons of rose water. You may need more or less the amount mentioned. There is no specific rule for it. Make a smooth paste. It is important to let the paste as it is for some time. Letting it rest for 3-5 minutes makes the paste smooth to be applied on body skin. Massage on wet body skin and face(if suits) gently. Don't rub it harshly. The granule/particles of this ubtan act like a scrubber on the skin surface. Massaging the ubtan smoothly exfoliates the body's skin and deep cleanses. Keep it to rest on the skin for another few minutes if possible. Then rinse off with tap water.

Right after the bath, you will notice a smooth, supple, bright (turmeric leaves a light yellowish layer), well-hydrated skin instantly. It keeps the skin the same throughout the day.

You can use ubtan twice or thrice in a week.

Can Patanjali Ubtan be used daily:

Yes, if one wishes so. Firstly, A pure herbal product has no-harm on your skin. Patanjali Ubtan is not a smooth powder, it is rather rough. It works like a scrubber on the skin surface. Scrubber shouldn't be used daily. Twice or thrice a week is all right. Secondly, we are habituated with those foaming soaps and shower gels with fine fragrances. Can we continue with ubtan with no foam and mild natural fragrance for everyday use !! It depends on one's choice.

So, with one's care and choice, Patanjali Ubtan can be used daily.

Why rose water is preferable over normal water:

Rosewater is a natural toner. Toner is used to deep clean the skin to remove any traces of dirt. Toner is useful when skin pores are left open by using a scrubber. So when the granules of ubtan act like a scrubber on the skin surface, rose water as a toner helps to tighten the skin naturally. So better go for rose water rather than normal tap water. The aroma of rose water also enhances the fragrance of ubtan. Rosewater leaves your skin smooth, supple, and well hydrated.

Patanjali Body Ubtan for dry and oily skin: 

Skin can be dry, oily, or combination type. It is due to genetic or weather conditions. You might have experienced skin that can be dry or oily according to the weather also opposite to your skin type.

If experience dry skin, add milk instead of rose water to the ubtan. You can add milk cream instead of milk for further miniaturization.

For oily skin or if you experience oily skin for some reason, just add rose water to ubtan.

If it doesn't suit what would be a simple ubtan that can be made at home / Easy and quick recipe ubtan:

As I told you earlier, ubtan is an age-old recipe in India. Every Indian mother is aware of it. The recipe can be different- simple or complex. My mother is also used to make a simple recipe ubtan for me. I feel that is a super easy and effective quick ubtan recipe that would suit every skin type. It is prepared by taking some simple things to get mixed to make an ubtan if Patanjali body ubtan does not suit. Take equal quantities of Chana dal (Bengal gram), Urad dal (Black gram), and rice. Grind the mixture. Preferably make a rough powder. Keep it in an air-tight bottle. when required take a little amount of this ubtan, add rosewater, and use it during baths.

Pros and Cons of Patanjali Body Ubtan:


  • The pure herbal product ensures safe use on the skin.
  • A good combination of various natural things that can be complicated to make at home at the right proportion.
  • The fragrance of camphor is pleasant and refreshing.
  • Ubtan is in powdered form ensures less chance to get spoiled. Patanjali body ubtan comes with one-year expiry.
  • It is cost-efficient.
  • Effects can be seen with the regular use of ubtan.


  • The ingredient turmeric and camphor may not suit everybody.
  • The packaging is not attractive. 
  • It needs to be emptied in an air-tight container after opening to retain its aroma and self-life.

The bottom line is Patanjali Body Ubtan is a pure 100% herbal product that is far better than the harmful chemically made soaps and body washes. It is a good body cleanser and scrubber that exfoliates and deep cleanses the body skin. We are habituated with foamy soaps and gels. Hence, might not get familiar with such ubtan. Otherwise, such powdered body cleansers are truly beneficial for the skin.

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  1. Excellent experience .... Keep downloading the knowledge of experience ... Keep the good work.


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